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Voo Voo in Scala, London

Voo Voo's current lineup with Wojciech Waglewski on guitar and vocals, Mateusz Pospieszalski on saxophone, Michał Bryndal on drums, Karim Martusewicz on bass played their hits to the audience gathered in Scala, London. Voo Voo performed as a part of the annual Polish

WOŚP charity event, which once a year gets together to raise funds for specialist hospital equipment and various medical projects.

The band introduced people into shamanic-like sounds served by Pospieszalski. On some primeval level, the sounds made sense and the audience participated repeating the phrases, when it was their turn.

This style is called overtone singing or throat singing. In throat-singing, a singer can produce two or more notes simultaneously due to throat's resonance characteristics. Through the special movement of the lips, tongue, jaw, velum, and larynx, throat-singers produce unique harmonies with their bodies only. Different styles of throat-singing are identified with parts of Central and South Asia, but they are also observed in northern Canada and South Africa.


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